Using database to store map information, rather than shape file

The ultimate goal is to be more flexible in design, display, and modify tabular data.

1. Using the MySQL server
2. Using PostGIS on PostgreSQL server

Which is recomended to use PostGIS in PostgreSQL with the following reasons:
1. Already available template spatial database and its functions, geometry, geography, etc..
2. Already available importers of shape files to PostGIS data.

In Map File, data connection that from shapefile should be changed to PostGIS with syntax as follows: 

CONNECTION "host=localhost port=5432 
dbname=db_name user=user_name password=_password" 
DATA "geom FROM table_name using unique gid using srid=4326" 

Please note that the "DATA" in connection above is using geom field as the geometry field. You can use with your own field, as long as the data type is geometry.

As well, the "srid=4326" is EPSG code that represent the UTM zone. Currently, we use this as "default" :) , because so far we still don't understand what is it.

If you want to know about PostGIS, please visit  and Generally, It is mandatory to know about PostgreSQL ( further more.


Map File Maker

Map file is one of the main files required by the map server. This file contains a map of how it will be displayed, including information on the color, font, projection, etc..
The need for the appearance of the map is varied and complex requires the creation of this file can be generated automatically from the shape file.

Using Quantum GIS to save map as map file, with the following steps :
1. Open Shape file
2. Edit any information, include legend attribute, color, word text, label, symbology, etc.
3. Save as qgs file.
4. Save as map file
5. Edit map file to fulfill any other setting needed, such as path img file.
6. Done, map file is ready to used
Danan Navigation menu component on chrome

Chrome add an extra space above the navigation. This will cause any other sizing appear incorrectly. navigation menu created space with the following tags - before navigation div:

There are 2 solution :
1. We can set as display none for them using the following style :

2. But using display none is not recomended since we still don't know why create the space. Instead, we can use the following style :

It works fine now, without any extra space on chrome.

Too long path problem

There is a weird issue, that .net only support for 260 character file path. Resolved it by using ZetaLongPath .net library :
  1. Download ZetaLongPath library at
  2. Add the dll file into references
  3. Just use it similar with FileInfo library

Solr Indexing Memory

Increase the memory needed to index the large file. Resolved by increasing java virtual machine memory, as follows :
java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar start.jar